Speed Distemper

Rapid detection of Canine Distemper Virus antigens


Method: Membrane Immunochromatography

Analysis: Assay for viral antigens of the Paramyxovirus that causes Distemper.

Sample: Serum, plasma, urine
Conjunctival swab, nasal and ocular discharge, saliva

Preparation: 2 minutes

Reading: 10 minutes

Storage: 18 months at room temperature (2 – 30°C)

Presentation: 5 tests

Reliability: In comparison with clinical diagnosis:

Sensitivity: 92.4%
Specificity: 95.2%
Low detection threshold: 101.8 TCID50/0.1 ml


Speed DistemperTM enables the detection of very low viral loads, from the end of the incubation period.

Speed DistemperTM is a quick and easy diagnostic tool that can be performed during a consultation in just 12 minutes.

Speed DistemperTM can be stored for 18 months at room temperature, between 2 and 30°C.

 Why use Speed Distemper TM ?

The Distemper virus is transmitted via inhalation during direct contact with a carrier animal (2).

Catarrhal inflammation of the respiratory and digestive epithelia can be followed by severe neurological sequelae or the death of the animal.

However, 1/3 carriers remain asymptomatic (2). The incidence is higher in puppies and elderly animals. Despite good vaccination policies, the presence of the virus is confirmed in 30% of clinical suspicions (3).

The technique for the detection of viral antigens may be undertaken in puppies with colostral immunity.

When use Speed Distemper TM ?

Speed DistemperTM enables the specific detection of the Distemper virus, irrespective of the age of the animal

In group boarding situations, Speed DistemperTM can be used to protect healthy animals and rapidly identify viral excreters.

It is an offence to sell a dog infected with Distemper, Speed DistemperTM enables the rapid and early detection of the disease, from the end of the incubation period (3 to 7 days).